Plans that grow with you

Everything you need to deploy robust event-driven applications


$0 /month


  • 100K requests
  • 100K events *retries included


  • 1 user
  • 3 days retention
  • Basic throughput
  • Unlimited connections
Get started

Starts at
$39 /month


  • 100K requests + $0.25/100K
  • 100K events + $0.25/100K

Everything in Developer, plus

  • Up to 25 users
  • 7 days retention
  • Integrations (i.e. Slack)
Try for free

Inquire for plans


  • Custom capacity
  • Volume discounts

Everything in Growth, plus

  • Custom throughput
  • Custom retention
  • Priority support and SLA
  • SSO, SAML and SCIM
Contact us
All plans include the option to add-on Static IP
Starts at $0/month
Starts at $39/month
Starts at $149/month
Usage and billing
Monthly requests 100K Includes 100K Includes 100K Custom
Additional 100K monthly requests +$0.25 +$0.25 Custom
Monthly events 100K Includes 100K Includes 100K Custom
Additional 100K monthly events +$1.00 +$1.00 Custom
Users 1 25 25 Unlimited
Event throughput 10/s 10/s 50/s Custom
Retention 3 days 7 days 30 days Unlimited
Customize your connections
Sources Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Pause delivery
Automatic retry logic
Throttled delivery rate limit
Destinations Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Static IP + Add-on + Add-on + Add-on + Add-on
Slack Channel Community Community Community Private Channel
Email Basic Standard Standard Premium
Dedicated Support & SLA Available
Developer Success + Add-on
Enhanced Onboarding + Add-on + Add-on
Security and Compliance
Account security
Single Sign-On (ie. SAML, OIDC)
Roles and user permissions
Data compliance
SoC2 Request report Request report Request report
Get started Try for free Try for free Contact us

Frequently asked questions

Is there a trial period?

No, all accounts start on the Free Developer plan.

Is a credit card required?

No. You can sign up for an account without a credit card.

What's the difference between a request and an event?

We count any inbound event from one of your sources as a request. When one of these incoming requests is delivered to a destination, we count it as an event.

Are Event retries free?

Yes. The price of an Event includes all its retries.

What if I exceed 100,000 events on the Developer plan?

Don't worry. You will continue receiving your events, the limit is a soft cap. We'll reach out and work with you to find a solution.

What if I exceed my plan's throughput limits?

Don't worry, you won't miss any events. When these rates are exceeded, we safely queue additional events and process them at the throughput speeds specified by your plan.

Where can I see how many Requests and Events I've received?

You can find the number of Events and Filtered Events in the billing page.

What does retention mean?

Retention refers to the number of days we store your event data.

What if I switch my plan in the middle of the month?

You will be billed for your pro-rated usage up to the end of the the previous day UTC. The billing period for your new plan starts from the beginning of the current day UTC.

How granular is your billing rate?

The usage billing is pro-rated. For example, the price for 3,050,900 Requests ((3,050,900 - 100,000)/100,000 * 0.25 = $7.37) and 1,200,000 Events ((1,200,000 - 100,000)/100,000 * $1 = $11) on our Team Plan ($39.00) is $57.37 for the month.

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